Teamfight Tactics
Example usage:
@{user}, Rank: {tft.tier} {tft.rank} (LP: {tft.lp}) {tft.summoner "ErlePerle" "euw1"}
Response: @user, Platinum III (LP: 93)
Set the name and region of the user to lookup. Is required.
{tft.summoner "<name>" "<region>"}
Valid regions: euw1, ru, kr, br1, oc1, jp1, na1, eun1, tr1, la1, la2
Returns an empty string.
Current tier.
Example response: Platinum
Current rank in their tier.
Example response: II
Current League Points.
Example response: 74
Number of wins.
Example response: 20
Number of losses.
Example response: 10
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